Tuesday, March 9, 2010

fracking fungi

I just ripped up 20 octopus stinkhorns from my garden.   They are without a doubt the worst smelling things I've ever encountered (rotten meat + vomit + skunk);  I very nearly threw up while digging them out.  Ugh.   The worst is that there will be more of them out there in a few days.  If this is how I need to spend the precious minutes of each afternoon when the kids are all asleep, I really need fewer hobbies.  I want to pave over the garden or possibly set fire to it.  I feel like I can still smell it, so now I need to go wash my hair while pretending I don't have three crying children.


Not Hannah said...

Ooh, girl. I had those last year and I was so mortified by the stink and...the...slime. Ugh. I cannot speak of it.

Theresa said...

ok... i have never seen/heard of an octopus stinkhorn...but after following your link.... i really don't want to. Ewwwww.

Kira said...

ZOMG Karen, you cursed me. The day after we last visited you, Ravi and I were on our daily spider search around our yard and I totally stepped directly on one of these things right next to our bedroom window. Seriously, EW. Just looking at it was bad enough.

Nishant said...

its unknown
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