So this is what I've been doing to achieve whatever mental stability I might be capable of at the moment:
- Scott now takes Joseph out on Saturday mornings so I can clean the bathrooms. There is something about a clean bathroom that I find very soothing, so this has been good from a mood-stability standpoint. It also means that I could probably take a bath without catching anything. If I can still fit in the tub, that is.
- I let Joseph do pretty much whatever he wants as long as it won't hurt him. Putting makeup on the dog? Fine. Distributing hundreds of baby wipes around the house? Super. Insisting on complete nudity at all times? Great idea, wish I'd thought of it myself.
- We bought three new hampers so I can partially satisfy my laundry-sorting obsession (complete satisfaction would involve about six color-coded hampers and a label maker). This is a huge improvement over the perpetually overflowing, unventilated, rusting, mildewy, bug-harboring Ikea trash bin. If only I could figure out a sorting strategy that involves no more than three piles (whites, colors, and delicates, maybe?).