Friday, July 18, 2008

we got frisked

I know it's hardly fresh news to point out that that airport security is very silly and doesn't seem to promote any kind of actual security.  But seriously, Joseph and I got frisked this morning. Because a woman traveling alone with a ten month old is a real security risk.  And traveling alone with a baby isn't stressful enough.  Everybody was very polite, though.  It's important that the people who frisk you at 5:45 am be polite.  Otherwise it might be a negative experience.

Anyway.  We arrived safe and sound in New Jersey, Joseph is being treated like the baby Jesus by my parents, and I have plans to take a forty five minute long shower.  No pictures for the next week because I'm using a borrowed camera & computer and I can't be bothered to figure them out.  

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